Author: KairosWWT

Yesterday  I completed my 8 week sugar-detox for Kairos WWT. I have lost a whopping 10lbs in 8 weeks and gained a new found self-respect and a deeper understanding of the struggle that our service-users face when battling their drug and alcohol addictions. When I took on my own war against

  Do you remember my triumphant post from Week 5 of my 8 week sugar detox? You know…the one where I was basking in the glory of my new found self-control and I was adamant I had a handle on this whole sugar-free-life thing? Well it turns out my victory was

Boom! I've made it to week 6 of my 8 week sugar detox for Kairos WWT, I'm feeling good AND I've just realised I can now start to reintroduce a small amount of fruit back into my diet! Hurrah!   I feel like I have broken the back of this challenge

You may have wondered if I'd fallen off the wagon. I haven't…but I am slumped on it, with just enough energy to cling on. I'm almost 4 weeks into my 8 week sugar detox for Kairos WWT and the last two weeks really have been a daily battle. Two weeks ago,

On Sunday 14th June, Beth Emsden, 16 years old, took part in the Two Castles Run to raise money for Kairos WWT. Beth ran the 10K from Warwick Castle to Kenilworth Castle in under an hour and smashed her fundraising target of £150 by raising £309! Massive thanks to Beth