About Women’s Justice
Over two thirds of the women we support across all Kairos WWT’s services have spent time in prison at some point in their lives. Our Women’s Justice service supports women subject to or at risk of sexual exploitation, who are involved in the criminal justice system, by holistically addressing the multiple and complex factors that lead to their offending. This includes women facing charges, going through the courts, on a community sentence or in custody, and those planning release or who’ve recently been released. We help women understand their rights, access legal support, accompany them to court hearings, visit them regularly whilst in prison, help them plan for their release and integration back into the community after release.
Our Specialist Justice Practitioner provides expert criminal justice system (CJS) knowledge and advice to the wider team and acts as the organisational CJS lead and single point of contact internally and externally. She has responsibility for developing and maintaining key operational partnerships with criminal justice agencies, such as probation, to better meet the needs of women, and contributes to working groups and forums to represent Kairos WWT and the needs of our service users. The Specialist Housing Practitioner takes the lead in advocating for positive systemic change on a local, regional, and national level to ensure that women have access to women-centred, trauma informed housing support and safe and suitable accommodation.
Coventry University carried out a research project into the work of our Prison In-reach provision at HMP Peterborough between June 2015 and March 2018. The evaluation report can be found here.

“Thank you for Kairos coming to prison. Without [Kairos] I would be lost and alone, as I don’t get any other visitors to come and see me”