We collect data using cookies. A cookie is an alphanumeric text file that is sent from a website and stored on your computer’s hard drive by your web browser. Cookies allow a website to remember who you are, so that when you visit again it recognises you as a visitor and can help you with personalised information when filling out forms or signing in. Most browsers allow you to turn off the cookie function. To do this, look at the help menu on your browser.
We use cookies to track popular points of entry to our sites and routes around areas of our sites (that is, click paths). As with other statistics about visitors to our sites, this tracking is anonymous and aggregate and does not relate to any information we might hold about individuals. If our usage of cookies changes in the future, this will be explained in our privacy policy.
Some of our pages may contain embedded content from other such websites, and as such you may receive cookies delivered from these websites.
As we do not govern the publication of third party cookies, please check the main websites of the relevant third parties for more information on their privacy policies and usage of cookies.
We may collect IP addresses to obtain aggregate information on the use of this website, i.e. to find out how we are doing or from which countries visitors to our site are coming from. An IP address is a number assigned to your computer by a web server when you are on the web. We only use the information we find out from tracking IP addresses in the aggregate, such as how many users entered a specific area of our site, and not to track a specific IP address to identify an individual user. However, we may use such information to identify a user if we feel that there are or may be safety and/or security issues, or to comply with legal requirements.