Kay Garvey: Kairos’ valuable expertise
Kay is the newest member of our valued board of trustees, having joined in March. We asked her a few questions about her background, why she chose to join the Kairos team and her advice to anyone considering becoming a trustee.
“My name is Kay Garvey and I live in Leamington Spa. I am a brand new Kairos Trustee!
For 30 years, I worked in the NHS as a clinical psychologist. I retired last year from my role as head of the regional NHS forensic psychology services. In my previous clinical role, I had been particularly involved in the women’s forensic mental health pathway. I was very aware that there are many women with very difficult lives, who are poorly served both by the criminal justice system and the mental health services. Working in partnership with charitable sector organisations provided a mechanism for developing more focused and appropriate services for women. Having worked closely with women’s services in Birmingham, I was delighted to find out about Kairos post retirement.
I am looking forward to working with such a dedicated staff team, volunteers and trustees. Creating more opportunities to work in partnership, with both statutory and other charitable sector organisations, should enable Kairos to expand and share their valuable expertise. Kairos is a small charity but has an impressive twenty year history and a specialist set of skills that need to be harnessed and used on a wider scale across Coventry and the Midlands.
A charity such as Kairos attracts individuals who are both enthusiastic and humane. Having a shared compassionate perspective, and a focus on getting things done, means that for anyone considering becoming a Trustee there will be a warm welcome.”
If you have been inspired by Kay’s testimony and are considering applying to become a volunteer or a trustee, more information can be found here. You can also donate to Kairos here.