Kairos Sleep Out 2013
Following our sponsored run (and our weeks of gruelling training) last month, it seemed only right that this time, we could fundraise through a sponsored sleep-a-thon!
Except, this is no snooze fest where we’ll be wrapped up all snug in our beds, no, #TeamKairos are undertaking a 12 hour Sleep Out. A team of volunteers, staff and Friends of Kairos will be gathering in a car park in a central Coventry location to brave the cold concrete with nothing but cardboard boxes and sleeping bags to keep warm.
The Sleep Out aims to raise funds for Kairos WWT by asking all participates to seek sponsorship for their part in the 12 hour sleep out. Fundraising events are vital to keep our charity running and to being able to continue supporting women at risk of or subject to sexual exploitation.
Many of our service-users have experienced episodes of homelessness and difficulties obtaining or retaining accommodation which is why we have chosen to run a Sleep Out event. Research carried out by Kairos WWT in 2007 found that 70% of our service-users had experienced some type of housing difficulty and that, for most, this meant recurring or continual housing problems. 25% of our service-users at that time had no fixed abode. The Sleep Out not only provides an opportunity to raise money for Kairos WWT but also to gain a small insight into what it is like to have to sleep on the streets.
How can you help?
We’re looking for willing volunteers (Friends of Kairos) to participate in the event. If you’d like to join us, please contact Emma on admin@kairoswwt.org.uk or 02476 559550 for further details.
We’re also asking for donations for #TeamKairos. You can sponsor the team here.
Thanks for your continued support.