Funding secures additional services
Kairos WWT was delighted to receive a grant from the Lloyds TSB Foundation for England and Wales to secure some new services.
One of these services is a much needed prevention initiative.
Research shows that young people who have been sexually exploited are more likely to become involved in, or continue to be involved in sex work as an adult.
To try and tackle this issue, Kairos has recently joined forces with The Children’s Society, CRASAC and Combat to teach young people about protective behaviours and reduce their risk of exploitation.
Between November 2011 and January 2012, a pilot scheme of 7 protective behaviour sessions were delivered to students at an Extended Learning Centre in Coventry. Sessions covered grooming, respect and relationships, recognising dangerous situations, trafficking, myths and stereotypes, safe use of social media and consent.
In 2012, the plan is to further develop the scheme and roll it out to those who are most vulnerable to targeting by the perpetrators of sexual exploitation. This will include children who have been excluded from mainstream education and those involved in youth justice.