KairosWWT | Women Working Together

Catch 22: Young women create their own Animation

This Summer, participants of our Feeling Safe project created a short animation to communicate the issues affecting the lives of young women in Coventry. Catch 22 explores how young women have to contend with a vicious cycle of expectations, stereotypes and demands, when their full potential goes unnoticed.

‘It’s not easy being a young person, its hard to explain in words but this project helped us say it with pictures’  – Feeling Safe participant


The Girls On Top project was delievered in partnership with Caste Away Arts and Harmeet Chagger-Khan (a local film animator) with the aim to build young women’s confidence and provide a platform for their voices to be heard.

The film launched on November 1st 2016 at the Roots to Shoots event for up and coming animators and film makers, held at the Tin in the Canal Basin, Coventry.

story-ideas positivity