Prevention Project Showcasing Event and Goodbye to Stacey
Yesterday KairosWWT attended and presented at a Showcasing Event hosted by Voluntary Action Coventry (VAC). This was an opportunity to showcase the prevention project that we have been running since July 2014 with funding from the Police and Crime Commissioners. The funding enabled us to employ a full time Prevention Project Worker; Stacey Mason, who delivered various pieces of work aimed at 18-24 year old women to prevent them being sexually exploited. Stacey ran 9 peer support groups, with workshops on Protective Behaviours, she also networked with related agencies, ran workshops and drop in sessions at other agencies, attended Henley College Fresher’s Fair and carried out one-to-one work. Stacey also produced a resource for facilitators to deliver workshops on preventing sexual exploitation, using Protective Behaviours techniques, which will be available to purchase soon. Finally, Stacey conducted a piece of research relating to the prevalence of sexual exploitation and services available. That will be available for download in the forthcoming weeks.
It has been a joy to have Stacey as part of the team; she has carried out a huge amount of work in a short space of time and has paved the way for KairosWWT’s future Prevention agenda. Stacey will be greatly missed but we hope to work with her in the future as we partner with her organisation Creative Optimistic Visions.