KairosWWT | Women Working Together

Kairos’ One to One Befriending Scheme Achieves Accreditation

Over the past 18 months Kairos WWT’s has been preparing its Befriending scheme for external assessment by the Mentoring and Befriending Foundation. We have now successfully achieved the ‘Approved Provider Standard (APS) accreditation for safe and effective practice in mentoring and befriending’.

For this assessment Kairos WWT was required to demonstrate a clear purpose and organisation of the project; competent staff and coordination; sufficient support for service users and supervision and training for volunteers; rigorous safeguarding policies and practice and evaluation procedures.


Attaining the approved standard means that Kairos WWT can be nationally recognised for the quality of One to One Befriending service offered to women and volunteers.

Here are our Service Users thoughts on how Befriending has impacted their lives;

‘… knowing there was someone to talk to…. helped with goals to get my own accommodation’

‘I started something and finished something, that was a massive achievement for me’

Thank you to all those involved in the scheme for making it such a success! You can find out more about the role of a Befriender on our volunteers page and contact Kairos WWT if you are interested in getting involved.