• 74 different women accessed our Street Outreach and Drop In service during 2017-18
• 67 women attended Drop-In sessions on 426 occasions

“Thank you again - you are my family. You help me so much and I have no-one other than you, but I couldn't ask for any better.”

Kairos service user

Criminal Justice & PRISON IN-REACH

• 15 women accessed our Criminal Justice & Prison In-reach project and were supported during or after their time in prison
• 5 out of a possible 8 women who accessed the project did not reoffend within a 6 month period, with the other 3 continuing to engage in support

We have worked with 202 women in the last project year and 62% of service-users showed progress on their journey of change.

KairosWWT Annual Report

1-2-1 and group SUPPORT

• 59 women had contact with our 1-2-1 and group support services
• 735 direct interactions with service-users
• 28 women improved their housing status (securing safe accommodation or transitioning to their own tenancy)

• 2 women made the brave step of a life away from prostitution and exited our services
• 11 women were supported to either start or maintain a methadone script

“I have enjoyed this group and learnt something new, I will now be more cautious about who I talk to online and have changed my privacy settings so I can feel safer.”

Feeling Safe service user


• 80 young people and professionals participated in educational workshops and programmes
• 20 young women accessed 1-2-1 support

• 89% of women scored themselves as having improved emotional and mental health (based on Outcome Star scores)