Happy International Women’s Day
To celebrate International Women’s Day 2013, our women have been busy writing poetry and creating artwork. We encouraged our women at our Evening Drop in and WINGS group to think about a word that would carry them through 2013, that would sum up what they would want for themselves for the year ahead, or a word that would inspire them.
The words hope, change, children, balance, strength and achieve were amongst words chosen and used by our WINGS group in a creative writing and art workshop. The results?
I saw woman like a rock in the stream
I saw resilience like the sunset turning round
I saw change with feathers of light
I saw hope like a jet through the sky
I saw strength, the comfort of home
I saw chocolate. The struggle was over
I saw balance fighting to be free
I saw life, electric fireworks in my brain
I saw inspiration reach for the stars
I saw achievement, a warm glowing future
I saw children safe from stormy weather
I saw Kairos women working together
(a work in progress which when finished will adorn the walls of our Evening Drop In)